Pharmaceutical Market Europe • May 2024 • 34


Creating communications excellence

With the landscape of healthcare communications constantly evolving, this special feature explores the most important topics affecting the industry today, from AI to sustainability

The increasing impact of AI on healthcare

We’re often asked by industry partners and patient communities: “How can artificial intelligence (AI) be used in advocacy and patient engagement?” Our answer has been evolving over the last decade, where we’ve seen the application of AI in healthcare become increasingly apparent.

A core purpose of our work is connecting AI with great ideas, and we know when utilised correctly AI is fundamental to creating meaningful differences for patients, but there remains some scepticism about the ‘artificial’ element of the tool. And rightly so, because although AI as a tool has been developing for years, the governance and policy that frames it hasn’t, which can leave room for error and misuse.

When it comes to advocacy and patient engagement, the beauty of AI is realised in partnership with human connection. The tool offers an incredible ability to distil volumes of patient data, identify trends in care pathways, and themes across patient experiences. It can enhance insight to inform how we deliver better patient care, it can even help in care delivery, remote cancer screening for example. It’s the macro level support where we see its greatest value in advocacy, currently, helping us find trends faster and providing a more robust picture that directs us to identify more effective ways to care for patients.

However, the micro engagements with patients where authenticity and empathy are critical to achieve better outcomes will never be usurped by AI. It’s deep-rooted in us to crave connections and community, especially during times of vulnerability such as ill health, which cannot be satiated by an artificial tool.

While AI is core to our work, we advise our industry and community partners ethically around its use and ensure we retain the utmost respect for the experience of all patients.  Its capability in healthcare is exciting and we continue to lean into AI as a significantly beneficial platform to enhance the patient experience. We’re witnessing an incredible uptake across the private sector to drive more effective clinical research, deliver diagnostic improvements, and support chronic disease management.

The next chapter for AI in advocacy will be finding ways to make it more accessible to civil society so it too can fully harness its potential for patients.


Abi Drabble is Practice Leader, International Advocacy Relations, at Real Chemistry