Pharmaceutical Market Europe • September 2024 • 3


The challenges of environmental sustainability

This month, we have a focus on environmental sustainability and in Steve Brownett-Gale’s article he says: “The pharmaceutical industry is committed to the development, manufacture and provision of medicines globally, a process that inevitably impacts the climate through greenhouse gases (GHG). To mitigate this, the industry is actively working to reduce its GHG emissions, with research showing that 19 of the top 20 pharmaceutical companies have pledged to lessen their climate impact between 2025 and 2050.

“But in a rapidly changing industry faced with evolving regulations, escalating global public health threats, geo-political tensions and increasing sustainability demands, the challenge remains: how can the industry prioritise the most critical issues while integrating environmental management into its core responsibilities?” Read more on page 24.

We also have an article from Andy Whiting on embracing risk in neurodegeneration. As he says: “Drug discovery is an inherently risky endeavour, but society relies upon new drug discoveries and innovations, so we need a rethink in the way we approach clinical trials. We need to adjust the market incentives and dynamics that push life sciences companies down a well-trodden path so that some of them take new paths that may lead to game-changing discoveries instead. To do these things, we need to embrace an entrepreneurial approach to drug discovery and the sensible motto: nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Read more on page 18.

In this month’s issue we also feature the ‘Causes That Count, Health’ report, looking at the key issues affecting global health. The report focuses on the physical and mental health issues that matter most to people around the world, with the key findings showing how macro causes affect people by economic standing, race, gender and exposure to the impacts of climate change. Read more on page 28.

Next month, our October issue looks at achieving launch excellence, focusing on the most significant barriers to achieving launch excellence and how these have changed in recent years.

If you would like to make your voice heard on this topic, please get in touch at

And don’t forget to book your tickets for the PMEAs, taking place at a black tie event in London on 21 November. Email to find out more.

I hope you enjoy this issue!


Iona Everson
Group Managing Editor

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Group Managing Editor
Iona Everson

Deputy Editor
Emily Kimber

Executive Director
Karl Equi

Business Director
Tara Lovegrove

Philip Atkinson
Founder of Hive-Logic, Lifescience Transformation

Uday Bose
Corporate vice president, head of global marketing oncology, Boehringer Ingelheim

Dr Luc Hermans
VP commercial planning and operations Europe, Asia, Middle East, Gilead Sciences

Stefan Janssens
President EMEA, Cegedim Dendrite

John Morris
Partner, KPMG

Paul Pay
Chief business development officer, Norgine

Mark Rothera
Chief executive officer, Orchard Therapeutics

Ian Talmage
Senior vice president, global marketing, general medicine, Bayer Pharmaceuticals

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