Pharmaceutical Market Europe • September 2024 • 15


Results from Global Pharmaceutical Customer Experience survey

UCB and J&J Innovative Medicine come out on top, while customer experience is in a state of flux


Research on the state of the customer experience (CX) that the global pharmaceutical industry provides to healthcare professionals (HCPs) has been released by DT Consulting, an Indegene company.

For its 2024 research, the specialist life sciences strategy consulting firm assessed 12,200 interactions from 6,100 HCPs across 13 countries and eight specialty areas using its Customer Experience Quotient (CXQ).

Key findings from DT’s latest report, The State Of Customer Experience In The Global Pharmaceutical Industry, 2024: HCP Interactions, include:

  • UCB retains the number one position it gained in 2022 in the overall global CX ranking, with a CXQ score of 65, holding off strong competition from J&J Innovative Medicine and Lilly, which both achieved a CXQ score of 64
  • J&J Innovative Medicine leads in non-digital channels, with a CXQ score of 72, followed by Lilly (69) and UCB (68), with strong six-point increases in the CXQ scores from J&J and Lilly enabling them to leapfrog some of 2022’s leaders
  • UCB, Pierre Fabre and Takeda stand out in a competitive digital field, where UCB leads with a CXQ score of 60, followed by Pierre Fabre and Takeda (both 59).
  • CXQ scores of 76-100 are considered by DT to be excellent, 51-75 are good, 26-50 are fair, and 1-25 are poor.

Pharmaceutical customer experience around the world

The study also found that country-level CX is in a state of flux, with key emerging markets offering divergent experiences. Notably:

  • Despite a gradual lifting of country scores, the underlying picture of pharmaceutical CX around the world is one of instability
  • Seven countries’ CXQ scores fall in the 2024 survey, while only four improve on their 2022 scores, held back by a lack of consistent improvements in CX
  • Brazil retains its leadership position in DT’s country rankings and is on the cusp of an excellent score with a CXQ of 75, but China’s CXQ score falls by six points to 52, weighed down by digital engagement scores that put it in danger of slipping to a fair ranking.

Dominic Tyer, Research Director at DT Consulting, said: “The customer experiences that pharmaceutical companies provide to HCPs matter. They can increase physician confidence to use a product, promote dialogue with manufacturers and encourage HCPs to share relevant information with colleagues and patients. CX also has a tangible impact on pharma’s business outcomes.

“However, continual contextual adjustments are needed for customer experience success and this requires a nimble response that focuses on internal transformation within organisations to deliver a more consistent CX across markets, business units and functions.”

Hannah Price, Senior Director – Customer Experience at DT Consulting, said: “Pharma’s use of engagement channels continues to be mismatched with HCP preferences. The research found that a third of HCPs want either additional channel options or to be engaged in an entirely different way, and that’s a real challenge to the pressing need for companies to improve the customer experience they provide by delivering consistent differentiated experiences.”

About DT’s 2024 global CXQ study of HCP interactions

Research for the 2024 global CXQ study was carried out between January and February 2024. The email-initiated, predominantly online, customer experience survey involved 6,100 HCPs working primarily in cardiology, dermatology, endocrinology/diabetology, gastroenterology, general practice/family medicine, haematology, oncology and pulmonology/respiratory. Respondents were based in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Turkey, the UK and the US.

DT’s Customer Experience Quotient (CXQ) metric uses a driver model of customer experience to understand HCP perceptions about their interactions with pharmaceutical companies. It provides a very strong measurement framework for voice-of-the-customer insights and provides the ideal feedback loop for service design, content strategy and channel engagement choices.

The 34 companies ranked in the 2024 survey are: Abbott, AbbVie, Amarin, Amgen, Astellas, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Biogen, BioNTech, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol Myers Squibb, Daiichi Sankyo, Eisai, Gilead, GlaxoSmithKline, Grünenthal, J&J Innovative Medicine, Lilly, Menarini, Merck, Merck & Co, Moderna, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, Otsuka, Pfizer, Pierre Fabre, Roche, Sanofi, Servier, Takeda, Teva, UCB and Viatris.

The latest research follows DT’s 2022 global pharmaceutical customer experience report on HCP interactions and the full 2024 study includes company benchmark rankings by relevance, simplicity and trust across digital and non-digital channel experiences; CXQ footprint scores to better understand share-of-voice and recall, and HCP channel preferences for different types of content, including driver exploration and persona implications.

DT Consulting is an Indegene company – learn more at